Is Outsourcing The Best Way To Get 24/7 Live Customer Support?

Is Outsourcing The Best Way To Get 24/7 Live Customer Support?

Delivering a 24-hour live customer support, had once, become one of the most deepest challenges for businesses while on the other hand, it became one of the most greatest conveniences to persuade customers into choosing your brand over another. 

After its advent, we've seen a ton of companies from IT, Healthcare, Food & Retail and other growing industries - cherishing a boost sales in sales and customer retention by leveraging on a 24/7 online customer support. Over the years, it has  become the "game-changer" especially for brands competing in a cut-throat industry.

Today, it has become increasingly popular to have your 24-hour customer support enabled in order to expand your business, acquire more sales, improve credibility, and land the heights of global success.

In fact, e-Com stores have been found to be twice as impressed with the benefits of having a 24/7 customer support. It enables store users to handle new prospects from different time-zones, technically, keeping their stores opened day and night.


Why Choose Outsourcing To Integrate 24/7 Customer Support?

Hiring an in-house team inclusive of their monthly overheads, and investing in technology for their swift operations can be a daunting task for businesses or companies that wish to keep their functional costs under control. It's a big leap for any company to integrate live customer support for 8 hours a day and five days of the week.

Another aspect of using outsourcing to get 24/7 customer support is that, instead, of using resources at our end, we let off-shore companies build, manage, and run our teams to create results with monthly evaluation of the KPI's we have for our ventures. 

The latest research states that companies who go about hiring a third-party venture to expand their customer support services are likely to improve productivity, cut-costs, and take strategic time out to focus on other ventures. It also boosts  customer satisfaction ratio without the need of hosting an in-house team with a high-rental workspace.

Leveraging On Outsourcing To Deliver Customer Support On The Go:


1) Flexible Scalability For Your Customer Care:

Outsourcing enables companies to have flexible scalability and make hires in the need of the hour. For example, if you own an e-Commerce store or a SaaS business and you're working with a top bpo company with outsourced call center services, there's a fair chance that your sales will boost during the peak holiday season.

That's when it gets easier to scale your squad with outsourcing as you can enroll a number of new agents on a part-time contract to help sustain the company's customer support. You can scale your live customer support by asking the bpo partner you're working with and they'll hire, manage, and do everything on behalf of your company.

2) Keep Track of Your KPI's:


This is another critical aspect when it comes to integrating a 24/7 customer support via an off-shore companies. In the recent times, there are CRM's and other software that help companies in staying in tact with their key performance indicators. While partnering with a customer support provider, it's become easy to analyze the number of calls answered per day and the amount of queries solved for your customers. You can easily keep track of your campaigns with monthly reports. 


3) Save Tremendous Costs On Operations:

You can independently  save huge on the operations costs by outsourcing your 24/7 customer support to a reliable bpo service. How? It's simple. The BPO partners that will manage your customer support are likely to have everything sorted at their end.

It includes having a spacious workplace to employee candidates, taking care of their bonuses/perks, and giving them in-house corporate training. This is all a part and parcel of hiring an outsourcing company for your customer support.

With an outsourcing company lined up for your endeavors, companies can collectively save big on their operations and move away from the hassle of managing large-scale customer support teams.



4) Make Hires From A Global Talent Pool:

By leveraging on a team of a global talent pool, companies have the chance to acquire specialized expertise from different localities to run their projects. Your BPO partner will most definitely hire talent from numerous regions to help you in achieving your business trajectories.


Further, with a global team, you don't have to burden a certain group of employees. In fact, this way, you can overcome the time-zone conflict and hire teams working in their regular business hours to avoid any workflow disturbances. The global team strategy helps brands in working with the most suitable candidates on their projects.


For example, if you wish to hire a graphics designer from a creatively inspired country like Italy, you can use any outsourcing partner and provide them your requirements. Just like that, if you're working outside the US, especially in the middle east, you can hire talent from the Asian countries to meet the same time zone.

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